The Scarf?

First of all HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE, God Bless. Came back from a great church service and couldn’t sleep so I thought I’d update my blog. I’ve been bored so for the past three days I’ve been knitting; I always do something crafty before a big art project. I plan to paint something big probably a tiger. Anyway I had planned to make a scarf and was willing to knit for 10 days straight just to finish it; then the repetition of it all got to me and I couldn’t take anymore, so I was left with a pathetic piece of knitted fabric. I still wanted something to keep my neck warm… So I made what I can only describe as a snood? The end result is actually better than a scarf I feel, I may have to make more probably try out different colours. BUT I’M NOW READY TO PAINT 😀

Snood thingy 2